Friday, June 29, 2007

Breakfast and other stuff...

Guess what! I am now the family chef for breakfast. I am so excited. I've been having lots of fun making pancakes and sausage, strawberry shortcake, eggs and all sorts of stuff. My favorite breakfast to make is pancakes. My favorite breakfast to eat is strawberry shortcake. The pancakes have 1/3 of a cup of sugar in them. The strawberry shortcakes only have 1 tablespoon. Did you know that 24 times three is 72 and that 24 times 4 is 96? We have lots of baby birds in our yard. We have seen chickadees, robins, mourning dove and some other fledgling that I haven't figured out yet.

Here is a picture of a chickadee fledgling

chickadees eat sunflower seed..

-the birdman-

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's day to My Daddy!

Happy Fathers Day daddy!
You are the best daddy in the world. You are the best because you take us on field trips and you work hard to provide for us. You love us and always have fun with us. I love you daddy and I hope it's a great day!!

your little birdman

P.S. Look in the walnut tree for clue number one to your Father's Day surprise!