Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bird of the week: Magnificent Frigatebird

We started the new school year yesterday, and I am starting bird of the week again. This week is the Magnificent Frigatebird. These birds are sometimes called "bird pirates" because they will steal fish from other birds (such as gulls and terns). They are big black birds. the males have bright red patches on their throat, which they can inflate like balloons. Here are some websites with more information about these birds

Thursday, February 10, 2011

the great backyard bird count 2011!

The Great backyard bird count starts next Friday! If you want to participate go to this website. there is a photo contest and other fun things that you can do. Have fun!

I've enjoyed participating in the great backyard bird count for the past three years and am excited about it again this year!

Here are a couple of other good websites to help you learn about birds and what species you might see in your yard this year.



Happy Birding!

-the birdman-