Friday, April 18, 2008

black-capped chickadee

Black-capped chickadees weigh the weight of four pennies. Their favorite food is sunflower seeds. The reason that their name is chickadee is becuase their call is chickadee-dee-dee. chickadees are very easy to hand feed just hold some sunflower seeds in your hand and sit very still.

here is some info:

black-capped chickadee info

more black-capped chickadee info

black-capped chickadee picture

-the birdman-

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

bird of the week... lesser and american goldfinches

There are two kinds of goldfinches that live in North America. The Lesser Goldfinch is mostly in the Western part of the US and American Goldfinches are found across the whole continent. Their favorite foods at bird feeders are hulled sunflower seeds and niger (thistle) seed. Americans are 5" tall and Lessers are 4 1/2" tall.
We saw male and female American Goldfinches yesterday. The American Goldfinch is also called the Eastern Goldfinch. It is the State bird of New Jersey,Iowa and Washington State. Here is some info...

american goldfinch info

male and female American Goldfinches

more american goldfinch info

Lesser Goldfinch info

American Goldfinch Coloring page

-the birdman-