Thursday, March 15, 2007

our family walk

We went to Killens Pond State Park last night to go for a walk. they were closed so we turned around. We saw 2 deer getting ready to cross the road so we sat and watched them and 1 looked at us like "go on move so i can get back across". Then we went to the school & walked the the bike trail that goes from the school around the edge of Killen's Pond State Park. We had 2 races & Trumpeter won both of them. Nestling rode in mamabirds sling & screech rode in papabirds sling. we had lots of fun

-the birdman-


  1. Birdman,

    That does sound like a great time!

    We have seen lots of birds in our trees outside. They are enjoying the warm weather as much as we are.

  2. It is interesting to think what the deer might be thinking as they watch you watch them. It sounds like they were waiting for you to move.
