Friday, October 12, 2007

I'm having a contest

My brother is having a contest to name his blog so check it out here. I want to have a contest too.
Below are pictures of three birds. The first person that identifies all three of them wins. If no one gets them all, then the first one to get the most wins. The winner will get their choice of a drawing of a bluebird or a paper Stellar's Jay puppet. You have until Monday at 10am to identify the birds. Leave your answers in a comment. Happy birding.
-the birdman
Number 1

number 2

number 3


  1. This is Mary. My mom is on HK with your mom. I am 11 years old.

    #1 is a Blue Jay
    #2 is an Egret
    #3 is a Wood Duck

    Thanks! You have a cool blog!

  2. I'm Christopher. I'm 6. My mom knows your mom on HK. I like your page.

    #1 Stellar Jay
    #2 Heron
    #3 Wood duck

  3. #1 Woodpecker
    #2 Crane
    #3 Wood Duck

    This Eddie (Mr. Burroughs)

  4. Hello Birdman!

    #1 Stellar's Jay
    #2 Great Egret
    #3 Wood Duck

    Thanks for telling me about your contest. :)
