Monday, March 31, 2008

Bird of the Week...Eastern Bluebirds

Eastern bluebirds are my favorite kind of bird. Their eggs are pale blue & the nest is made out of grass or pine needles. Their nest is in a tree cavity or nest box.
You should not mount nest boxes on trees because snakes, raccoons, and squirrels may climb the tree to eat eggs and nestlings. Three kinds of bluebirds live in north america Eastern, Western, & Mountain. After 3 years of trying, we finally attracted eastern bluebirds!(we saw them the other day) :).

Here are some links for you...
attracting bluebirds
ibc eastern bluebird movie
bluebird secrets
eastern bluebird info
mountain bluebird info
bluebird male and fledgelings
more eastern bluebird info
all about eastern bluebirds
Siala Sialis (Eastern Bluebird)
Western Bluebird

1 comment:

  1. That is so neat you finally got some to come by! Have you started your Life List already btw? We have a bunch of photos to post but will have to wait til next week since we are really busy this week.
